About Me

My selfie a la wood block print effect

I’m a sentient being! A fellow human who thinks, feels things, gets hungry and tired. Just like you…

  • Thinks: I am a reader, proud library card holder, loyal newspaper and magazine subscriber, avid public radio supporter, and museum goer.The New York Times, Harper’s, and The Atlantic are some of my favorite periodicals. Podcasts are cool too—send me your recs!
  • Feels: I can feel things strongly. I bet you can, too. I am passionate about democracy and voting rights, the environment, and education. I try to maintain a growth mindset, and while my track record for gratitude journaling is so-so, I like to think I’m better at practicing gratitude in conversation with others.
  • Hungers: I like to eat! I enjoy crustaceans and shellfish, pasta, vegetables, leafy greens… you name it. I also hunger for social connection and collaboration. Go team!
  • Gets tired: I also enjoy my sleep, coffee and tea, and the occasional power nap.

Interested in the work I do? Check out some of my work and my LinkedIn Profile.